Four ''Gun Free'' Wachovia Banks Robbed in NoVa

Gee, I wonder why they're targeting Wachovia...

UPDATE: Apparently the police can't figure it out either.

Police don't know why only Wachovia branches have been targeted...
Why would a criminal prefer a "gun free" bank to one that doesn't disarm their customers?

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How would a gun toting customer (you don't mean security guards, do you?) have stopped a robbery that was pulled off without display of arms or alarm?
Random spraying of fire at ten minute intervals?

Posted by: mikem at November 11, 2005 8:33 PM

Regardless of wether or not a nearby citizen could have stopped the robberies isn't the point. The point is that the lady has been robbing banks by handing the tellers a card with a picture of a gun. Wachovia should take the next logical step and ban pictures or drawings of firearms.

Posted by: Quasi at November 12, 2005 2:26 PM

It will be news to the NRA that Wachovia is anti gun, you see Wachovia is the NRA's bank. Think the NRA may kow a "little" more about the bank than you do? Duh!

Posted by: Ivan at November 13, 2005 9:10 AM


It's like this. The NRA has banked with Wachovia for years. A few years ago, Wachovia was bought out by First Union, who was vehemently anti-gun. First Union kept the Wachovia name, and started spreading their anti-gun policies to Wachovia branches.

You see, Wachovia hasn't always been anti-gun, they were taken over and made anti-gun. My guess is that the NRA either hasn't bothered yet or just doesn't think that it's worth the expense to change banks. After all the NRA is very cash poor right now, and concentrating their dollars in other areas.

You think that I may no a "little" more about the situation than you do? Duh!

Posted by: Ravenwood at November 13, 2005 2:41 PM

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