God Bless those Labor Unions

Remember the Atlanta area woman who was body slammed at the Atlanta airport for not moving fast enough? Well, she's received a $350,000 settlement from the city, but thanks to the local labor union, the city has been unable to fire the officer. (emphasis mine)

News of the settlement comes just a few days after Atlanta's civil service board ruled that there was not enough evidence to fire Officer Terrance Alexander for his treatment of Dietrich-Barnes, despite the images videotaped on Nov. 2, 2004, and broadcast nationwide....

At the time of the incident, Alexander was not officially assigned to the airport but was working a second job there, directing traffic.

Dietrich-Barnes had circled the airport several times looking for her 78-year-old mother, who was arriving from Houston, when she stopped her vehicle at the curb to check her itinerary. Alexander told Dietrich-Barnes to move, and the passenger-side outside mirror of her SUV bumped him when she started to back up, she said.

That is when Alexander pulled her from her car, threw her to the pavement, and handcuffed and arrested her.

Alexander's supervisors let her go after reviewing the tape and soon the APD opened an internal investigation of Alexander, who had been either reprimanded or suspended without pay 13 times for violating departmental rules since 2001.

Alexander, who could not be reached Tuesday, was fired in May for using unnecessary force, but successfully appealed the decision by Police Chief Richard Pennington.

Alexander remains on suspension. (11Alive still has the video online if you really must see him scoop her off her feet and slam her to the ground.)

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Can she include the union in her lawsuit?

Posted by: markm at November 18, 2005 8:23 AM

The labor unions have become corupt and crime ridden its time to come down hard on these corupt labor unions

Posted by: sandpiper at November 18, 2005 10:42 AM

Corrupt Labor Union? Let them protect their member thats there job. We forget to fast who gave us the 40 hour work week.

Posted by: [email protected] at November 18, 2005 8:23 PM

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