Great Moments in Public Edumacation

For those of you who like to flame each other over spelling and grammar (and you know who you are), in New Jersey a freshman college student was subjected to a lengthy anti-war diatribe from one of the professors. But rather than take the English professor to task for his moonbattery, Mike Adams wonders why the hell can't he spell.

But the real question for Professor Daly and his boss ([email protected]) follows: Why can't English professors spell?

The answer can be found in Daly's biography/teaching philosophy, which is posted on the WCCC website:

    "Often linguists do not use their skills to teach grammar and writing, but Professor Daly finds that linguists have a special view on language that may help students�particularly students who have had trouble in these areas in the past. English courses generally are taught from a rule-based perspective. Students become overwhelmed with these rules and often find the exceptions make them impossible to manage. Linguistics [sic] view language from a descriptive point of view�that is they understand language in the same way you might organize a sock draw [sic] � by dumping the contents on the ground and seeing what goes together until finally ending up with a super-efficient drawer (or deeper understand [sic] of grammar and writing). Students often respond to this approach."

For those who do not understand the above statement, I am delighted to offer the following translation:

    "English is a really hard language with a lot of confusing rules. So when you take my class, you don't have to follow rules at all. I do not try to bring you up to a higher standard. Instead, I am committed to lowering myself to your standards � even to semi-literacy, if necessary. That way, we can all avoid judgments and keep everyone's self-esteem intact. And, best of all, when I am not teaching English I have plenty of time to talk about my political views. "

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Posted by: emdfl at November 22, 2005 11:21 AM

I object. Dave Lincoln is the pretentious twit here, not me. I never make fun, or comments about, other's spelling or grammar. I think you have to be a real asshole to do so. I make exceptions for those, like Dave, who make the mistake of calling others morons for spelling or grammatical errors while they hilariously do the same themselves. It is too rich to pass up. And Dave is the mother lode with his 'all my mistakes are typos' excuses.
I think that when you make fun of others' (supposed) grammatical errors, especially with derisive sneering comments, then you better hope your own shit doesn't stink. And Dave flunks the smell test, bigtime.

Posted by: mikem at November 22, 2005 12:54 PM

Oh yes, Mike, it's all about the grammar. Plus you're a flaming moron when it comes to politics.

(Luckily that one was too short for typo's, as I'm not a preview type of guy ...)

Posted by: Dave Lincoln at November 22, 2005 3:14 PM

I obbuhjeck. Dabe Lincoln is de pretentious twit hehe, uh uh uh, not me. I nebeh make fun, or commins bou', odeh's spelligg or grammar. I dink you habe t' be a real asshole t' do so. I make excepshuns f' dose, uh uh uh, like Dabe, uh uh uh, who make de mistake of calligg odehs morons f' spelligg or grammatical ehrors while dey hilarous do the, ERRRR, same demselbes. It is too rich t' pass up. And Dabe is de modeh lode wid his 'all my mistakes are typos' excuses. I dink dat when you make fun of odehs' (supposed) grammatical ehrors, duuhhhh, especial wid dehisibe sneehigg commins, duuhhhh, den you betteh hope your own shit doesn't stink. Duh.And Dabe flunks the, ERRRR, smell test, uh, bigtime.

Posted by: moronm at November 22, 2005 4:09 PM

Now that's the maturity level I have come to expect from a Dave Lincoln.
Straight out of the schoolyard. You forgot "I'm rubber, you're glue"... and "I know you are, but what am I?".

Posted by: mikem at November 22, 2005 6:57 PM

Nah, you probably won't get the last word in tonight ...

I'll just repeat from my earlier post:

The first damn thing you posted in response to Ravnwood's simple reminder about Nat'l Ammo Day was some crap about "literally worshipping our guns".

Posted by: Dave Lincoln at November 22, 2005 9:22 PM

"Is that for real? I could see a National Gun Rights Day, but ammo day?
I mean, no harm that I can see, but doesn't it feed the stereotypes by gun grabbers that we are made up of, literally, gun worshipers."

There's the source of all this outrage, teeth gnashing and hissyfitting by you, Dave. Not exactly a full frontal assault on Ammo Day sensibilities. Even my question is stated as a concern that gun grabbers will use it to stereotype gun rights supporters. WTF?

For the record, I apologize to Ammo Day adherents everywhere. It was never my intention to disparage those who celebrate Ammo Day, nor to intimidate those who wish to do so publicly. I have sought my entire life to respect others' belief systems and am deeply regretful that my words have offended Ammo Day supporters. Some of my best friends buy ammo and they would be the first to tell you that I have always been respectful of their ammo buying activities.

Posted by: mikem at November 22, 2005 9:52 PM

There's lots of abnormal holidays...

FRANK: And at the Festivus dinner, you gather your family around, and you tell them all the ways they have disappointed you over the past year.

KRAMER: Is there a tree?

FRANK: No. Instead, there's a pole. It requires not decoration. I find tinsel distracting.

KRAMER: Frank, this new holiday of yours is scratching me right where I itch.

FRANK: Let's do it then! Festivus is back! I'll get the pole out of the crawl space.

Can't we all just get a long...gun?

Posted by: Ravenwood at November 22, 2005 10:08 PM

" gather your family around, and you tell them all the ways they have disappointed you over the past year."
That's just classic. And the perfect actor to deliver the line. Too much of him gives me a headache, but nobody does whatever he does better.

Posted by: mikem at November 22, 2005 10:24 PM

And now, the Feats of Strength!

Posted by: roger at November 23, 2005 8:25 AM

The PC way to spell KATT,DAWG BURD,TAYBUL HAWSE CAT DOG BIRD TABLE HOUSE they dont teach kids to spell in school anymore but they teach them all this SAVE THE RAINFORESTS malarkey

Posted by: sandpiper at November 23, 2005 4:17 PM

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