Damned if you do, damned if you don't

Here's a new one. A British security guard successfully sued for being the beneficiary of affirmative action.

A BLACK police bodyguard who protected the Duchess of Cornwall has won [~$52,000 USD] compensation after suing Scotland Yard for "over-promoting" him because of political correctness.

Sgt Leslie Turner -- the first black personal protection officer to guard the royal family -- will receive the "racial discrimination" payout after reaching an out-of-court settlement with London's Metropolitan Police.

His representatives argued he landed the prestigious job as Camilla's bodyguard only because he was black.

It was claimed that as a result of being over-promoted and not receiving proper training and support, Sgt Turner made mistakes which led to him being re-assigned.

He argued that he was "over-promoted" into a job for which he was not qualified and could not succeed.

(Via Taranto.)

Category:  Left-wing Conspiracy
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Odd, they say reassigned, but there isn't any mention of whether he was demoted. If he was still making the same money and at the same rank, you'd think he wouldn't have any claims.

Posted by: Nylarthotep at January 11, 2006 7:59 AM

I love it! Reverse affirmitive actions brought on by the people who wanted it. Maybe now they'll just drop the whole thing.

Posted by: Rhett at January 11, 2006 9:47 PM

Ahh ha not everyone agrees with JESSIE JACKASSON

Posted by: sandpiper at January 13, 2006 11:02 AM

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