Democrats: Corporate greed hurting Americans

Democrat's greed is ok.

Take a look at this CNN-AP article demonizing corporations, and praising Democrats. There are logic flaws o' plenty that need to be addressed.

"Democrats have made it clear: We're on the side of the American families, taxpayers, investors and businesses that pay their fair share and play by the rules."
Democrats have made it clear that they are on the side of confiscatory taxes for those that can "afford" it, to buy votes by giving benefits to those that "need" it. Karl Marx would be proud that Democrats want to play by his rules.
"We'll close the loopholes that allow the big corporations to avoid their responsibilities and shelter taxes overseas."
Since when is paying higher taxes a responsibility? Corporations are always portrayed by Democrats as nameless, faceless entities that have an obligation to pay more than anyone else. This idiotic statement is analogous to trying to shame homeowners for itemizing their deductions and reducing their tax burden. Shareholders are people too. Those who own the corporation, ONLY have responsibility to increase profitability and shareholder value. In fact, lower corporate taxes benefit everyone. Customers benefit with lower prices, employees benefit with higher wages, and shareholders benefit with increased profits and shareholder equity.
As a state senator in Maine, Pingree sponsored a bill creating the Maine prescription law, in which the state is authorized to negotiate lower drug prices with large manufacturers in order to reduce prices for 300,000 residents.
Ask any economist and you'll find out that there is NO FREE LUNCH. Somebody must pay. Customers outside Maine will pay higher prices. Customers inside Maine will pay with less availability of drugs. Employees will pay with lower wages, and shareholders will pay with lower stock prices. Also, all Americans will pay with less research and development of new drugs and drug treatments.

Democrats continue to assault and demonize American corporations, and hamper their ability to compete in the global market. Corporate profits are currently double taxed at a rate approaching 60%. American corporations that generate revenue in foreign countries, using foreign resources, developing foreign products for foreign markets, are double taxed in the US and overseas. When they try to separate these foreign units in an attempt to compete with foreign companies who are taxed at much lower rates, Democrats accuse them of trying to shirk their "responsibility" to pay high taxes. It has become very clear that Democrats are continuing to shift more and more of the American tax burden to a minority of the population. In return, this money is used to buy votes, keep Democrats in power, and keep people dependent on the government.

Best of Ravenwood's Universe, originally posted 08/26/2002.

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Corporations don't pay any taxes. They merely collect them for the government. The cost of the taxes they "pay" are built into their product or service. Taxing corporations is the government's way of hiding the true tax rate on the citizens.

H/T Neal Boortz

Posted by: Kingslasher at January 13, 2006 7:19 AM

Corution and bribes have been part of what thedemacrats do everyday in this country it was going on for 8 years under our first dictator BILL CLINTON

Posted by: sandpiper at January 13, 2006 10:52 AM

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