Ravenwood - 05/18/06 06:00 AM
It's official. Politicians have no shame.
A series of scandals on Capitol Hill have national lawmakers pushing for stricter ethics rules, but not the Atlanta City Council. Council members voted 11-2 to relax ethics standards, allowing any city employee to accept unlimited meals and tickets to local events from lobbyists.Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin has promised to veto the new rule, but overriding her veto only requries 10 votes. The measure originally passed 11-2, but with the media spotlight shining brightly several councilmen have already said they will not vote to override a veto.What's more, Atlanta's ethics officer points out that measure doesn't require the person buying the meals to be present at the time and notes that staffers are not required to disclose the gifts.
One council member tells the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that the measure simply "made sense," adding that meals and tickets wouldn't influence his decisions.
Category: Left-wing Conspiracy
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