Ravenwood - 05/24/06 07:33 PM
This guy was almost killed by his neighbor's careless handling of a .44 Magnum.
Four Rules:
- Treat as loaded
- Safe direction
- Finger off trigger
- Know your target
I was taught three rules about gun safety:
1. Always assume a gun is loaded
2. Never point a gun at someone unless you intend to use it on that person
3. Never bring a loaded gun into the house.
Well, one out of four ain't bad. He probably knew his neighbor.
At least by sight.
Posted by: Brian J. at May 28, 2006 7:29 PMI went through all his stuff on another site and it just didn't seem to add up. But he did get his 15 minutes of fame.
Look it over as if you knew it was posted by HCI.
PS Note I didn't say it was impossible just I don't believe it. Why would a 44 mag bullet ricochet off of a formica table?
Posted by: John at June 1, 2006 12:02 AMI don't know, I went to his site and read the following freakiness:
Long story short, guy next door has an accidental discharge in his bathroom that ends up in my bedroom.
I stopped reading at that point...
Seriously, though, I see no real reason to doubt the story as told/shown. A .44 Mag would probably pretty easily riccochet off the table if the shot angle was low enough (i.e. a LOT of horizontal momentum, but very little verticall, hence very little downward penetration potential)
Posted by: roger at June 1, 2006 12:55 PM(c) Ravenwood and Associates, 1990 - 2014