The problem with France is that it's full of Frenchmen

Via Taranto:

Worse Yet, He Tested Negative for Cheese
    "Tour de France winner Floyd Landis denied on Thursday taking performance-enhancing drugs during the race and said he would fight to clear his name after testing positive for the male sex hormone testosterone," Reuters reports.
Only the French would consider the presence of testosterone in a man's system suspicious.

Category:  Notable Quotables
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Well, Testosterone is a foriegn substance in French males. Probably hasn't been well known since the end of WWI.

I really wonder how these tests are done. What makes the amount unusual? Do they take a baseline sample and then understand how the athlete's bodies react to the extreme stress of the race? I wish I knew more on the topic. I suppose I should visit google on this.

Nice to see you around periodically. Hope you can come back more frequently.

Posted by: Nylarthotep at July 28, 2006 6:09 PM

LOL, I had the exact same thought when I read the article...

Posted by: BobG at July 28, 2006 7:39 PM

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