Anti-smoking ads encourage smoking

"...without monetary damages, all the fed can do is limit [cigarette] marketing or demand that [tobacco companies] fund more of those lame anti-smoking advertisements (which I tend to think actually increases teen smoking)." -- Ravenwood, February 7, 2005.

"I've long theorized that anti-smoking commercials were not only counter-productive, but were really a clever plot to increase smoking. Especially those annoying 'think' commercials that say things like 'smokers are idiots' and 'can anyone tell me why these dumbasses smoke'." -- Ravenwood, May 15, 2006.

"Youngsters 12 to 17 were less likely to see smoking as harmful and had stronger intentions to smoke after the airing of television ads that urged parents to talk to their children about not lighting up, according to the study to be published in December in the American Journal of Public Health." -- Washington Post, November 1, 2006.


As any stoned pot head who hit a whip it balloon while wearing a Just Say N2O can confirm, anti smoking ads aren't the only ones that back fire.

I'll take my brain fried, sunny side up, with a side of bacon, thank you.

Posted by: countertop at November 1, 2006 3:07 PM

Dave Barry had a great line about this (I'll paraphrase as I don't have the text handy): "... commercials where smug ten-year-old girls scold you not to smoke to the point where you want to go inhale an entire pack just out of spite." Couldn't agree more.

Posted by: al at November 1, 2006 4:52 PM

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