Happy Veteran's Day

(click to supersize)

This is the long awaited World War II Memorial.

This gentleman is a Filipino WWII veteran. He was kind enough to pose for a photograph, and snapped a salute for me. Afterward, he actually thanked me and all of America for liberating the Philippines during World War II. I was dumbfounded.

I tried to get his entire flag in the picture, but it required backing up so far that it would be hard to see him. Plus I wasn't sure how long he would hold the salute, and I risked losing the Lincoln Memorial in the background.

This is the Korean War Memorial. This photo is a reflection of the memorial off the granite walls. I thought it was an interesting look, and the lighting was perfect.

Here is a more traditional view of the Korean War Memorial.


Thanks for that. Great shot in the reflections. Looks like ghosts.

Posted by: FishOrMan at November 11, 2006 7:53 PM

Nice post. We owe a tremendous debt to our veterans. Which just amplifies my disgust at seeing a photo on line (from a newspaper) of James Webb hugging John Kerry during his campaign.
I guess politics can turn even an honorable veteran into a traitor to the men he served with.
My opinion of Webb just dropped off the scale.

Posted by: mikem at November 11, 2006 11:34 PM

Great post!

Semper Fidelis.

Posted by: Derek at November 13, 2006 2:22 PM

Great post!

Semper Fidelis.

Posted by: Derek at November 13, 2006 2:22 PM

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