Shooting at ''Gun-free'' Virginia Tech

I decline to politicize the tragic events that happened at Virginia Tech on Monday. Even though Virginia Tech had already banned students and faculty from carrying guns, the gun control nazis are busy warming up the PR spin machine to turn this tragedy into yet another call for more better gun control. Indeed before the dust had even settled on Monday I had already received hate mail about it.

I had thought about crafting a well thought out and reasoned response to such calls. But in the end I decided to just let it be. (I would recommend reading James Taranto (second article) however.)

There is an Orange and Maroon Effect on Friday for those that want to show support.


I'll follow your instincts about gun rights comments and just offer condolences.

Hate mail? That should be incredible but these days it is not.
Some people just can't stop hating those who do not agree with them. I bet you don't often regret withdrawing from the daily blogging.

Best wishes, Ravenwood, to you and yours.

Posted by: mikem at April 18, 2007 9:14 PM

Nah, hate mail doesn't bother me. It's how I know I'm winning the argument. ;)

Posted by: Ravenwood at April 19, 2007 8:15 AM

Does this really have to be turned into a win/lose proposition? Turning our college campuses into free-fire zones will do nothing to increase safety. Then again, neither will maintaining the status quo. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, though it's far too early and emotions are far too raw to try to figure where and how.

How about we let the VT community (and I know you're an alum) and the families go about their grieving before people begin to advocate for their pet political agenda? Can we at least allow the bodies to be buried before this issue once again becomes a political free-for-all?

Posted by: Jack Cluth at April 19, 2007 9:47 AM
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