EPA to boot hybrids from HOV

It looks like some hybrid owners are going to get kicked out of the HOV lanes, because they don't boost fuel efficiency enough in relation to their non-hybrid counterparts. In other words, their owners purchased the cars for their own feeling self-satisfaction instead of actual environmental benefits.

For the driver of a hybrid to qualify for HOV lanes during peak time, hybrid vehicles would need to achieve 25 percent higher combined fuel efficiency for city and highway driving compared with similar gasoline-fueled vehicles.

Only four manufacturers -- Toyota Motor Corp., Honda Motor Co., Ford Motor Co. and Mazda Motor Corp. -- make vehicles that would qualify.

Of course the grand irony of it all is that by letting hybrids go HOV, you ruin their environmental benefits. Hybrid cars only get better gas mileage in stop and go traffic. Cruising at highway speeds they are using their gasoline motor just like any other driver. In fact they could even be getting less highway mileage due to the added weight of the batteries and electric motor.

But then it's not about helping the environment, it's about using laws to control behavior.


No, it is about letting liberals feel good about themselves. Apart from any facts.

Posted by: Lemuel Calhoon at May 21, 2007 1:50 PM
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