1984: UK's Domestic Spy Program

The UK is developing a real domestic spying program, yet there's no outrage from the left? Government officials plan to build flying camera drones to spy on their subjects.. er.. citizens.

Ian Readhead, deputy chief constable of Hampshire Police, said Britain could face an Orwellian situation with cameras on every street corner. However, senior officers in Merseyside, who are trialling the drone, said they did not believe it was the next phase in creating a Big Brother society.

Assistant chief constable Simon Byrne said: "People clamour for the feeling of safety which cameras give.

There's that "feeling of safety" thing again. The government is always doing things to make you "feel safe" instead of things that actually make you safer. (Virginia Tech officials banned guns claiming their students had the right to feel safe.)

(via SayUncle)


In a similar thread, the phrase "freedom from fear" freaks me out because it implies that a massive government will have to be built in order to guarantee people don't feel fear.

And that scares me..... which means that the government has failed in protecting me from fear!

Posted by: Alcibiades at May 22, 2007 6:09 PM
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