Gun debates rage in Virginia

Gun bigots show that they are willing to trade safety for the "feeling" of security, in this letter to the editor about campus carry.

Bradford Wiles, in his commentary "Gun bans defy common sense" (Nov. 19), appears to envision a safe and secure college or university campus as one where students are armed.

I beg to differ. Far from making a campus secure, classrooms and dormitories filled with gun-toting students would experience heightened insecurity and lack of safety, with the possibility of many gun accidents and even impulsive acts of violence.

Such a paranoid Wild West atmosphere would by definition be antithetical to the development of true communities of peaceful reflection and learning.


With the Supremes taking a Second Amendment case, and with gun grabbers thinking that Democrat gains in the Virginia Legislature will help them push their anti-freedom agenda, it doesn't take them very long to violate Ravenwood's Law.
As a discussion about guns grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Dodge City or the Wild West approaches one.


Its qiute easy for a bunch of wealthy liberal eletists living in the safty of their secure homes body geards guard dogs and fancy alarm systems but for the avrage man on the street they need their protection from the crinimal element so might i suggest those wealthy liberals in our nations capital GO TAKE A HIKE AND GET OFF THEIR HIGH HORSE

Posted by: Spurwing Plover at December 4, 2007 10:12 AM

Concerning Ravenwood's Law.

Another corollary to that is the one that says that the longer the discussion goes on, the more likely someone will start the penis size vs guns argument.

Posted by: BobG at December 6, 2007 11:55 AM
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