How's This For Stereotyping?

CNN notes that black women only have two choices:


Analysts say black women never have held such power in determining the Democratic nominee for president. Black women are expected to make up more than a third of all Democratic voters in South Carolina's primary in five days. These women face a unique dilemma: Should they vote their race, or should they vote their gender?
Notice that voting the issues doesn't even come up. And they think conservatives are bigots?

UPDATE: Apparently a lot of angry readers gave CNN a piece of their mind. There were lots of good comments, but my favorite reader response was Michael:

"Since Edwards no longer officially exists, as a white male I face the same choice - either I vote my race (Clinton) or my gender (Obama). Or I could just pick the candidate based on who I think would be best," wrote Michael.


How unbelievably fucking offensive.

Posted by: Bitter at January 21, 2008 11:23 PM

Obama is trying to hurt Hillary, and is losing focus on the key issues because of it.
If this is what he does, then I do not want him in the White House.
I want a candidate who will tell me what he or she will do to make this country better, and not play dirty for his own cause.
Red flags go up around Obama every time he speaks.
He needs to stop this garbage fast.
Better Hillary than him.

George Vreeland Hill

Posted by: George Vreeland Hill at January 22, 2008 12:47 AM

Further proof of how the media has doped our political system. Wolf Blitzer is by far the worst teleprompt reader and interviewer I have ever changed channels on.

CNN is as corrupt as Faux News - biased - pandering - propagandists - blame it on WHO CONTROLS THE MEDIA!!!??? WHO BENEFITS FROM THIS CRAP!!!??? FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!???

Posted by: Jimmy Cracked Horns at January 22, 2008 3:24 PM
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