Ravenwood - 07/21/08 09:09 PM
From VCDL Member Steve Oster:
On my way to the restrooms, I see these blue kiosks in the distance. As I approach, it becomes clear these are emergency call stations, complete with illuminated blue lights (to reassure you that it's just like having a police cruiser at your beck and call).When seconds count...Imagine the relief would-be victims must feel, spying this beacon in the night! Fleeing to its safety, secure in the knowledge that rescue is at hand, if they can just outrun their attacker! "I'm saved! I'm saved!" they're thinking. Imagine their shock upon arriving at this totem pole of security with the following notice:
Please note that this is evidently not a recent, temporary interruption of service. That notice is attached with 4 sheet metal screws!
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