The Democrat's Gun Problem

Seeing as they "duck and cover" at the sight of them, Democrats and liberals clearly have an irrational and unnatural fear of guns.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was briefly evacuated from her downtown Denver hotel on Saturday when a man carrying two hunting rifles and two pistols tried to check in to the hotel.
As an aside, I personally don't think Pelosi should have been evacuated. She should have been "locked down" and forced to stay in her room until the coast was clear. I mean, if those rules are good enough for our school children (who don't have the luxury of armed guards), they should be good enough for her.
Secret Service spokesman Malcolm Wiley said 29-year-old Joseph Calanchini of Pinedale, Wyo., faces a charge of unlawful carrying of a weapon after police officers at the Grand Hyatt hotel noticed him carrying a rifle-type case while checking in. Calanchini did not have a concealed weapons permit, said Lance Clem, spokesman for the Colorado Department of Public Safety.

Wiley said authorities were not releasing information about whether the weapons were loaded because the case remained under investigation. Wiley said the charge is the same whether the weapons were loaded or unloaded.

So apparently you cannot carry a cased, unloaded rifle in Denver. And according to agents of the federal government, there is no legal way to carry a rifle in Denver.

Contrast this to liberal Northern Virginia (the "blue-est" part of the commonwealth) where you can carry a handgun openly and it is generally accepted (or most likely ignored).

Via Bitter.


But didn't all of this occur on private property? It's not like he was carrying them down a street...

Posted by: Alcibiades at August 28, 2008 1:02 PM

Just one more example of the asinine DPD going overboard again.

It can NOT be illegal to bring your firearms along in a case. That's luggage. They can go through any airport in the world like that.

Posted by: Drew458 at September 4, 2008 7:53 PM

Liberals want gun control for anyone but themselves they want their armed bodyguards but dont think we should be allowed to own guns just like your typical liberal eletists

Posted by: Spurwing Plover at September 7, 2008 12:31 PM

Gee, when I lived in Denver, people kept their guns in cases and checked into hotels with them all the time. Much preferrable to leaving them in their locked cars where they could be stolen.

Posted by: Da Goddess at September 9, 2008 9:30 AM

It was a special law invoked onliy when speakers of the house are in the hotel at the same time.
One law for me, antoher for thee, doncha know.

Posted by: Windy Wilson at September 11, 2008 2:49 AM
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