Ravenwood - 09/03/02 12:55 PM
Today's Constitutional Amendment of the Day is Amendment XXI. What better way to celebrate Amendments than with the one that restored our freedom to celebrate in the second place. Amendment XXI (That's 21 for people in Palm Beach) repealed prohibition of alcohol and allowed people to once again purchase and possess it legally.
The repealing of prohibition is often overlooked, but it should stand as a prime example of what happens when special interests attack human behavior. Prohibition of alcohol seems absurd today, but there are many people out there that would like to prohibit cigarettes, fatty foods, gambling, and all the other vices in which we imperfect humans currently relish. A proliferation of dangerous home-made 'bathtub gin' and increased organized crime and bootlegging resulted from the passing of the 18th Amendment (Prohibition).
Category: Amendment of the Day
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