Bloomberg's "minor economic issue"

iconMayor Bloomberg's smoking crusade is costing business owners big bucks in New York City. Back in October, we noted that Bloomberg brushed off the economic impact of his anti-smoking measures as "a minor economic issue". Last month, we noted that a bouncer who was tasked with enforcing the law, was viciously murdered by an angry drunken smoker. Earlier this month, we noted that CNN and Reuters had a good laugh over people stepping out for a smoke and not coming back to pay the tab. Today, the New York Post notes that restaurants, bars, and their employees (whom the smoking ban was supposed to benefit) are paying a very heavy price.

Business at New York bars and restaurants has plummeted by as much as 50 percent in the wake of the smoking ban - and the drop has already sparked layoffs and left some establishments on the brink of shutting their doors...

A half-dozen of those surveyed either laid off staff last month or are cutting back hours for bartenders and waiters because of slow business.

It should be of no surprise that people aren't hanging around bars and restaurants and socializing, when they cannot enjoy a good smoke any more. In fact, staff writers at Ravenwood's Universe cited declining sales and shuttered businesses as a primary reason against smoking bans, back in September. Given that the result of New York's "minor economic issue" is going to be lower tax revenues and higher unemployment, you would think that New York liberals would at least pretend to be concerned. I wonder if those laid off workers are happy that the anti-smokers are looking out for their health?

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