L.A. County caught in red light scam-era

iconWhat's a government to do when they are facing a severe budget crunch? Raise taxes? Cut programs? Well in Los Angeles County, they may have resorted to rigging red light cameras to issue extra tickets.

Did LA County intentionally rig their cameras to issue tickets while the light was still yellow, or was it the vendor? Let the finger pointing begin. No matter who is at fault, it is a perfect illustration of the conflict of interest red light cameras cause. They are a cash cow for both the local government, and the vendors, who routinely get a percentage of every ticket issued. I originally pointed out this conflict of interest back in August.

Back in October, it was reported that the American Automobile Association (AAA) pulled their support for red light cameras out of concern over increased rear end collisions. Data suggests that rear end collisions may actually create a more dangerous intersection, due to drivers slamming on their brakes at the sight of a yellow light.

It was also discovered that in San Diego, cameras were placed too close to intersections, and the length of the yellow light was actually shortened to maximize the profitability of the cameras. The easiest way to make an intersection safer is to increase the length of the yellow light. But that doesn't bring in any money.

UPDATE: San Diego had turned the cameras off to let the heat die down. Now, Deb reports that they are turning them back on.

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The public relations depends also on the idea that traffic lights are safety devices, which they are not. They're traffic flow efficiency devices, allowing the green direction to run the intersection without slowing or negotiating right of way. It's a step up from stop signs, which actually are danger devices, because you assume the other guy has a stop sign if you don't have one yourself, even if you can't see it. When a stop sign doesn't allow enough opportunities for the stopped direction to go for the traffic that's there, they put in a light to raise the efficiency.

Obviously running a red light or stop sign without looking is dangerous; but running a light or stop sign with due caution is perfectly safe; merely illegal. One of the most amazing things was that anybody was able to get in an exception for right-turn-on-red against the mythology that running a red light is dangerous.

The cameras, and mostly the public, don't distinguish; which becomes part of the red-light camera justification.

Posted by: Ron Hardin at May 17, 2003 5:36 AM

Excellent observation.

A friend of mine used to always ask me, at what point does running a red light become legal. For instance, if the light is broken.

How long should you wait there? Technically, running it at any point is illegal, but if it is malfunctioning, you have to do something.

Posted by: Ravenwood at May 17, 2003 9:20 AM

I once observed the bench trial of a ticket case where it was evident the person did not even stop for a red light, and yet the person was found "not guilty" by the Court. According to the defense attorney's argument, the law establishes that you are not to cross the painted "stop line" on the road after the light has changed to red. The evidence submitted by the defense showed that the city had failed to ever paint any stop lines at this intersection. The court said the person had not disobeyed the law, because he had not crossed the painted "stop line" after the signal had turned red. Talk about getting off the hook on a technicality.

Posted by: Tiger at May 17, 2003 1:12 PM

It has been rumored, but never really proven, that in the City of Virginia Beach (where I grew up) that you cannot be convicted of disobeying a street sign that doesn't bear the city seal.

Now, I don't recommend anyone go around running stop signs, but I did notice that just about every sign in the city has a city seal on it.

Posted by: Ravenwood at May 17, 2003 1:26 PM

What is so cool is that in my state, Texas, it is the law that you can not only turn right on red, but you can also turn left on red provided you are on a one-way street turning onto a one-way street. I actually had to point this law out to a rookie officer once who tried to ticket me because I had done so.

Posted by: Tiger at May 17, 2003 1:53 PM

I thought I had already blogrolled this site ...

Posted by: Tiger at May 17, 2003 1:58 PM

I told you they were doing this months ago! Yep. I ranted my ass off about it.

Of course, I'm just a girl. :P

Posted by: Da Goddess at May 17, 2003 3:18 PM

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