Ravenwood - 07/21/03 01:30 PM
Tony Martin, a UK farmer who removed a home invader from the gene pool, is still being given harsh treatment by the U.K. "justice" system. Martin is coming up for a mandatory parole, having served two thirds of his prison sentence. Normally prisoners are given a three day pass to get their affairs in order, and to transition them back into society, but Martin's was denied, because he is still seen as a "danger to burglars".
Back in May, the parole board denied Martin's early parole because of his lack of remorse for the home invading goblin. They contended that burglars who break into people's homes and attack them are "entitled to protection" from people like Martin.
Living in socialist Europe, Martin had no right to defend himself. He was supposed to pee himself, and hide under his bed while he waited for police to arrive to investigate his murder. Instead of allowing the goblin to kill him like a good socialist martyr, Martin decided to take his personal safety into his own hands. That's a big no-no in "civilized" societies such as the U.K., and it earned Martin hard time in the pokey.
(link via Spoons)
Related articles:
UK continues to champion criminal's rights - 06/16/2003
UK Parole Board concerned about "burglar's rights" - 05/12/2003
Category: Defending Your Life
Comments (1) top link me
Kinda hard to maintain that socially constructive "the policeman is your friend" mindset when he 1) maintains that he doesn't owe you protection, and 2) imprisons you for protecting yourself.
It's time for the Britons to show some spine. I wonder how Americans might help?
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