Canadian Money Pit Deepens

iconWhen Canada passed a law requiring all guns be registered, they estimated that it would cost about $2 Million. Last year, before the deadline for registration had even passed, officials admitted that the cost would reach $1 Billion by 2005. This year, officials have admitted that the cost will reach $1 Billion in 2004, a full year earlier than "expected".

Combining this with the fact that several provinces have said they will not prosecute those that refuse to register, I would say that the program's days are numbered.

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Minor point: when the billion-dollar figure was reached, the group tallying costs was ordered to stop. The actual costs are unkown.

Posted by: John Anderson at December 3, 2003 11:01 AM

Let me guess. It was a "cost saving" move.

Posted by: Ravenwood at December 3, 2003 12:45 PM

Actually, the program will never die -- until Canada gets a different government.

Liberals NEVER let money get in the way of ideology -- as long as it's THEIR program they're funding.

Posted by: Kim du Toit at December 5, 2003 3:12 AM

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