Ravenwood - 03/11/04 07:00 AM
After banning guns didn't work, Australian governments are setting their sites on banning swords.
Swords will become prohibited weapons from July 1, carrying penalties of up to $12,000 or six months in prison for illegal use or possession, the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Andre Haermeyer said today.What's next; pencils and finger nail clippers? I don't know about you, but if you hear that Ravenwood's guns have been taken, you'll know Ravenwood is dead.Mr Haermeyer announced new sword regulations today, saying they would assist Victoria Police to crack down on incidents involving swords.
"The Bracks Government is implementing these new regulations to help Victoria Police overcome this culture of young people arming themselves with swords," Mr Haermeyer said.
"From July 1, swords will be made prohibited weapons, making it illegal to use, possess or carry a sword."
Category: Cold Dead Hands
Comments (8) top link me
What are you going to parry with, if you don't have a sword? They're defensive weapons.
Posted by: Ron Hardin at March 11, 2004 3:54 AMwhat about garden forks.......they can be pretty dangerous.....the public has a right to be protected you know
Posted by: Mr Free Market at March 11, 2004 5:37 AMBats, hoes (the garden type), kitchen knives, fireplace pokers - outlaw them all now! We can't have people running around with these dangerous weapons.
Posted by: bogie at March 11, 2004 7:11 AMIt doesn't go far enough. Sure, now I'll be safe from Musketeers, but what about people that are bigger and healthier than me? If a 6' person armed with big, strong arms wants to attack me, what shall I do?
They need to ban everyone over 5' 3".
Posted by: Persnickety at March 11, 2004 9:56 AMIts the way of government, if something doesn't work, their solution is more of it.
Posted by: RANT at March 11, 2004 10:01 AMOnce they've banned pointed sticks, will they set up a commission to look into bananas? Soon, your only defense will be to "loose the tiger." (See: Python, Monty)
Posted by: DougM at March 11, 2004 10:27 PMWouldn't it be nice if the government banned guns outright one day? They'd announce that their jackbooted thugs are being sent house to house collecting private weapons.
That's when the revolution would begin. We could all go out in a blaze of glory taking a few of the bastards with us, or maybe even win and turn the tide.
I have a friend who lost all his guns, he was one of the guys you'd think would never give them up. How did this happen?
Guess what, there is no big announcement. His ex got a restraining order against him (long after the separation) and mentioned that "he has all these guns" and "I'm afraid for my life" and "he threatened me" all over a dispute about money.
An unexpected knock on the door and his guns are gone. This is how your guns will disappear, in an instant of stunned surprise.
To this day he is petitioning the state "please can I have my guns back?". Maybe he'll succeed but I wouldn't bet on it.
Oh, by the way, if he doesn't succeed after tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees he'll never be "allowed" to own guns again - something about "terroristic threats". It's all B.S.
Ever hear of domestic violence convictions keeping you from arms? Wait until it's the same for speeding tickets. Your guns will be taken as your sitting in your car at the side of the road - the Statists win.
Bout time we implemented "Canes for Planes."
Posted by: toleck at March 14, 2004 7:57 AM(c) Ravenwood and Associates, 1990 - 2014