Houston, we have a problem

iconThe city of Houston will start punishing restaurant owners who want to cater to smokers. Of course the non-smokers are either ambivalent to other people's property rights, or thrilled because they might some day want to go out to dinner at one of the restaurants that previously allowed smoking.

Personally, I haven't been to Houston since 1999, but I might want to go back one day. Here is a list of things I think they should ban, in case I decide to go back there:

    Driving slow in the fast lane
    Talking on a cell phone in elevators
    Cheap Japanese imports with more bling than the car is worth.
    French wine
    Rap music
    Homeowners associations
    School buses
    Spinning rims
    School buses with spinning rims
    Disney movies
    Chewing gum
    Tweed suits
    Honda Civics
I don't have any real reasons for wanting this stuff banned. But since there is no real reason to violate people's rights by banning smoking in restaurants, I'm sure the city of Houston will be willing to accommodate me.

Category:  Pleasure Police
Comments (2)      top   link me


guilty of 4/6...I don't think I'll ever be able to do the lip smack, but a bottle of febreeze may just be in order.

Posted by: MMW at March 10, 2005 11:48 AM

ur a frickin idiot u want to ban the stuff that gives our society character hope u enjoy being a dick biten bastard for ur hole pointless life.

Posted by: lumberjack at May 5, 2005 9:25 AM

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