GU students demand a 'living wage'

iconGeorgetown University students are staging a hunger strike that has already sent one student to the hospital. Another student is entering her second week of the strike, living only on "a meager diet of water and orange juice".

The students are upset, writes the Washington Post, that janitorial staff are willing to work for a measly $11 an hour.

[Custodial, food service and security workers] receive on average $11.33 an hour, which includes wages and health benefits, a Georgetown spokeswoman said.

The activists said that is not enough. They want the university to put in place a plan that will pay workers "a living wage" of $13.95 to $14.93 an hour by July.

Of course price controls only increase unemployment. Would these students be satisfied if the University just fired everyone making less than $14 an hour? Even more to the point, why should these whiny students care if a person chooses to work at Georgetown for less than that?

As usual, they try to bolster their point with red herrings and non sequiturs.

Student activists said money should not be an issue. The university, they noted, raised $15 million for a new boathouse on the Potomac and is seeking $120 million for a business school.
The boathouse and business school are capital investments, not expenses. Not only do they have and hold value, but they can actualy appreciate and, when it comes to recruitment and revenue, actually make money. How many of the students who flock to the top business schools in the country also look at stats like how well the floors and bathrooms are cleaned?

Sure, they do a necessary job. But lets face it, there isn't much skill involved, and there are plenty of people willing and able to work for $12 an hour. Georgetown students shouldn't stand in their way.

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I wonder how mommy and daddy will feel when the tuition rises to cover this "living wage".

Posted by: roger at March 22, 2005 7:53 AM

Bah! Kids (not including myself) are idiots! Simply throw rocks at them, or point and laugh, they don't deserve space on the internet.

Posted by: DaveJ at March 22, 2005 8:21 AM

I like the fire everyone making less than $14 idea. Perhaps the Georgetown students can then experience mandatory volunteerism and be required to perform the tasks themselves as part of their education.

Posted by: Bob at March 22, 2005 9:00 AM

I can't imagine how someone could live in the District on $11/hour - but $0/hour is definitely worse. I think Bob's got the right idea. Although you might have to hire some retired Marine drill sergeants to knock those kids into shape before they can learn how to clean toilets!

Posted by: markm at March 22, 2005 1:32 PM

Actually, when you live with 5 relatives and they are all making $11 an hour and not paying any taxes, it's quite a decent lifestyle.

Posted by: Ravenwood at March 22, 2005 1:51 PM

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