Rooster works as freelance chicken-hunter

Key West is declaring war on wild hens and chickens that terrorize the resort. Freelance 'chicken consultants' are paid $20 a piece to round up the free-roaming fowl.

Ray Horwitz, one such chicken wrangler would like to go a step further, "I hate the chickens. I think we should be able to kill them," Horwitz said. "If we don't stop them, they are going to multiply. They wreak havoc and they keep you awake."

As founder of Americans for Chicken Safety, I agree. Free-roaming chickens could spontaneously erupt into a cock fight, or could wind up in the hands of unsuspecting children.

ACS takes the position that unlicensed chickens can only lead to increased chicken violence, and that only trained, government sanctioned, professionals should be allowed to own, use, or possess live chickens. Personally, I'm glad that Key West is taking the initiative to get the dangerous chickens off the streets. After all, the vast majority of chickens end up baked, stuffed, fried, broiled, or fricasseed.

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